Centro Arte, Val Mesocco, July 22nd till 28th 2025
Combining music and martial arts train- ing in a concentrated atmosphere, we will work on the physical, mental and musical attitude/approach for awareness as a musician and person. This workshop is for advanced musicians – amateurs, professionals and students – who also have an interest in body techniques and meditation. We will work in a group of max. 14 persons on these fundamental aspects of functional movement relevant to both musicians and martial artists: • extension and relaxation • staying present and grounded • center-based movement • staying balanced under pressure • flow and flexibility • focus and awareness • contact and interaction with your musical in- strument and fellow players: listening to your body, to your partner and blending with the situationDaily schedule
Meditation and Aikido training before breakfast. Three sets of Music training, including Aikido aspects and methods, during the day. Half day off in the middle of the week. Joint concert at the end of the workshop.Musical training
Rhythm, presence and reaction training in the group and as a group organism: clapping and shaker circles, pattern and cycle exercises, work on Moduls and pattern combinations by Nik, work on phrasing, dynamics, sound and dramaturgy of pieces, solos and concerts.Meditation
We start the days with half-hour Zazen meditation sessions. Movement and rhythm meditations are also part of the training sections.Aikido
Training will focus on weapons and body practice with and without partner. No prior experience required, but an openness to indulge into novel body awareness.
Costs and location
Workshop fee: 680.- CHF. Accommodation/meals: around 790.- CHF depending on type of room (single, double, triple).Centro Arte, Cabbiolo, Val Mesocco, Switzerland, www.centroarte.ch
Nik Bärtsch: pianist, composer and producer. 3rd Dan Aikido. Leader of MOBILE and the Zenfunk quartet RONIN. Interested in the influence and the combination of music and movement, especially of Aikido, Feldenkrais and Gyrotonic. Residencies, workshops und lectures at various international institutions.
Andrea Pfisterer-Bärtsch: 5th Dan Aikido teacher in traditional Aikido and Shiatsu therapist. Cofounder of the Kokoro Dojo Zürich, Traditional Aikido. PhD in Biology.

Stating your instrument(s) and your musical experience, please apply via email to: contact@nikbaertsch.com
All photos by Claude Hofer